
Great Tips On Using ChatGPT #3 – Saving the content

Open AI hears our prayers and answers them. They delivered chat history, so you can keep various chat conversations and basically AI personalities in order and archived. Anyhow, you still might want some tool to export the content created to your local device. Especially since there can be some random unexpected deletion of your archive 🙂 or even any temporary downtime of Open Ai server.

Possibilities of exporting the bot’s content

I think there are already some browser extensions or maybe even apps to somehow export content from bot’s conversation in one form or another. Feel free to look it up, however i devised my own convenient method of exporting the content in suitable format for me and that is HTML which I suppose many of you should be familiar with.

You can open HTML file in web browser and see the exported result. With just a tiny bit of technicality behind it, you can use my method right away without installing anything and start exporting your conversations.

The Code To Download Chatbot’s Content

Now before I scare you with a code, a script, which you must use, let me just say, if you are not tech person and are not interested in trying to understand it, don’t 🙂 You don’t have to, I will tell you how to use it very simply right below it.

let nodeList = document.querySelectorAll('.text-base .whitespace-pre-wrap');
let html = '';

nodeList.forEach(function(node) {
  html += node.outerHTML;

let link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = 'data:text/html,' + encodeURIComponent(html);
link.download = 'file.html';

Just so it is said, this is Javascript code. When you use this code, it will simply download the entire active conversation in your browser window into a HTML file to your device.

How To Use The Code To Download Chatbot’s Content

When you have your conversation with Chatbot generated, in your browser window, open the browser’s console which should be done by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + I.

Nevermind the errors or warnings, this is the console we are looking for. If you found it, you have won. Now simply copy the code provided, paste it in this console, press Enter and you should find the entire conversation saved in file.html file on your disk, in downloads 🙂
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